Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The new KPW Business venture- MY Kate Parker Wedding

I am going to start posting about MY Kate Parker Wedding starting with the final four logo options. I would love your opinions as to your favorite! Stay tuned for more information about this revolutionizing concept!! KP


  1. I like #3 or 4! The swirly "my" makes it personal. Congrats, Kate!

  2. Congrats on the new venture Kate!
    Agree with Em--the scripted logo looks
    great. Best of luck!
    David + Linda

  3. How's the business now, Kate? I hope you picked the second design for your business card. Running a business is a serious matter since one should continuously find ways to promote their services to people. One effective technique is the usage of social media sites to expand one's business demographics. Also, a stable and working financial system is a must to keep track of both the income and expenses.

    Carlene Schnitzer @ Stewart Technologies
